I came across this article on crowdsourcing, and how the old saying “two heads are better than one” is as true as ever. “The more heads, the better” is probably the modern day version of this. In the past, and innovation experts will agree, too many heads created too much useless information and idea clutter (aka – noise), so limiting brainstorming to a select few was the best way to conduct business.
Today, however, technology helps us filter that noise.
Crowdsourcing tools like Eureka, and others on the market help remove it
through its voting, scoring and gamification algorithms. Along with expert
scoring, it’s easy to find the best ideas. The crowd does the heavy lifting,
and the more of it, the better!
What’ better, is that these idea management systems are easy
to setup and use, and most of them on the market offer a free version or a
trial period. Eureka’s free version is a fully functional system limited to one
challenge – enough to run a pilot and determine if the paid versions are worth
investing in (my opinion – They Are!).
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